Weekly Pew Sheet 5-12-21

Sunday 5th December 2021 ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent
Services this Sunday: 10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer*
11am Foxdale Messy Church
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion
*sadly the Civic Service due to be at Marown has had to be postponed until 30th January 2022
Services next week:
10.30am Marown Celtic Communion
3pm Baldwin ‘Walkers’ Carol Service (no 6.30pm service).


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Greetings for another week.

The changing Covid 19 situation has led to Bishop Peter issuing up-dated advice for churches.   These are as follows across our parish:

• Continuing use of hand sanitizer especially when entering a church.
• Wearing facemasks.
• Taking a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) before you come to Church.
• Spacing between rows of seating to increase social distancing.
• Refreshments can continue to be served.
• Holy Communion will be the bread/wafer only, with the priest drinking the wine on behalf of us all.
• Sharing The Peace will be by gesture only rather than physical contact.
• Singing can also continue but with masks.
• Those leading the service, reading lessons and leading intercessions can remove the mask for clarity.

As always, we want everyone to be as safe as possible when coming to church and we appreciate your cooperation with these measures.

