Weekly Pew Sheet – Late March

Services this week 20th March are;
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion + Choir
6.30pm Baldwin CW Evening Prayer

Services next Sunday 27th March are;
10.30am Marown Mothering Sunday Family Communion
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today I send you a double issue of the pew sheets.
All our usual services are taking place, including the Mothering Sunday service at Marown.  If anyone is able to donate small posies of flowers for that service then Revd Steven will bless them and they will be handed out as usual-no doubt with a few spare for people to take to parishioners unable to attend.
There are a number of new items on the sheet this week so please do take a careful look and note the relevant dates.
I draw your attention to the Diocesan Quiet Day at St Ninian’s Church on Saturday 2nd April (there are posters in church as well), also please begin to give prayerful thought to our annual meetings and whether you might be able to stand as a PCC member or a churchwarden-your parish needs you!

Every blessing

Canon Janice
