Weekly Pew Sheet 24-04-22

Services this week are;
10.30am Marown, Shortened Morning Praise, followed by the annual meetings at 11.15am
6.30pm Baldwin, CW Holy Communion

Services next week are;
10.30am Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
2.30pm Baldwin, Holy Baptism
6.30pm Baldwin, service of BCP Holy Communion

Brothers and sisters in Christ,
I hope you are continuing to have a happy Easter.  Please find attached the news for the coming weeks.
The main item this Sunday are our annual meetings, the first to elect our churchwardens then the Annual Parochial Church Meeting when we recap on the past year’s events and elect our PCC members.  I do hope you will come to these meetings as they are very important in the life of our church.

Also, coming up in mid-May is May Corlett’s 100th birthday!  Having spoken to members of her family, we are planning to mark this special occasion in Marown Church on Sunday 15th May as part of our worship.  There is a card to sign and if anyone would like to contribute to a gift please put your offering in a clearly marked envelope and hand it to me as soon as possible.

We are preparing for TT catering at Marown Church, if you are able to help in any way please contact me as soon as possible, all help gratefully received.

Prayers and blessings for the coming week,
Canon Janice
