Weekly Pew Sheet 30-10-22

Services this Sunday;
11am at the Crosby Methodist Chapel (no service at Marown Church)
6.30pm Baldwin Guest Service with Revd Dr Michael Brydon,
Bishop’s Chaplain & priest-in-charge of St Matthew’s Church Douglas.

Services next Sunday 6th November;
10.30am Marown BCP HC with Revd Steven Herron
6.30pm All Soul’s Service with Reader Heather Paisley,
this is a reflective service during which we remember loved ones who have died.
If you would like a loved one to be remembered by name please contact her on 07624 467158

Sunday 13th Nov ;
Remembrance Sunday Services at 10.45am Marown & 6.30pm Baldwin

Dear friends in Christ,
I send you warm greetings on what has been a cold and miserable day.  I hope you are well, especially those who have had colds or reactions to the flu/Covid jabs.
The pew sheet this week covers 2 Sundays as I am on annual leave from 2nd-9th November inclusive.
There are lots of events over the next few weeks so do take a look at the sheet.
Particularly I draw your attention to the All Soul’s Service at St Luke’s Church Baldwin 6.30pm on Sunday 6th Nov.
Don’t forget the clocks go back one hour tonight-an extra hour’s sleep yippee!

Every blessing for the coming week,

Canon Janice
