Weekly Pew Sheet 04-12-22

Services this Sunday;
10.30am Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Services next week;
10.30am Marown, BCP Holy Communion
3pm Baldwin, The Manx Footpath Conservation Group Carol Service
(there will be no 6.30pm service)

Dear friends in Christ,

Here is the pew sheet for the coming week.  There will soon be posters and fliers advertising our Christmas services so do look out for those.

Also, in Marown Church Mary and Joseph plus the 3 Magi will begin making their journey to Bethlehem, travelling around the window ledges (until the floral displays go on them!), sheep and shepherds will also be gathering on the ‘hillsides’.  Do pop into church and have a look and see what progress they make as the days of Advent pass by.

Please let me have any prayer requests so I can include those in my daily prayers.

Every blessing,

Canon Janice

