Weekly Pew Sheet 13-08-23

Services for Sunday 13th August;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Holy Communion
6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Evening Prayer

Services for Sunday 20th August;
Marown Café Church
6.30pm at Baldwin, a said Common Worship Evening Prayer

Saturday 19th August 2pm, there will be a baptism at St Luke’s Church Baldwin

Dear friends in Christ,

We are only one week away from MGP and, therefore,  a few alterations to our normal pattern of worship so please note those changes and any road closures that may affect you.

Marown Church will offer catering hospitality as usual during qualifying and race sessions.

Please let me have your prayer requests, there are many occasions of joy and sorrow being experienced by people across our parish at the moment and it is appropriate to hold them all before God in prayer.

Every blessing

Canon Janice
