Weekly Pew Sheet 04-08-24

Services this Sunday;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pmat  Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Services next Sunday 11th August;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Holy Communion
6.30pm at Baldwin, our Guest Service then a talk by
Hannah Philips
the Community Ranger for the Manx Wildlife Trust,
followed by refreshments.

Dearest friends and parishioners,

I hope that the new month has begun well for you, we have been blessed with warmth and sunshine which raises our spirits.

Please make a note of the talk at St Luke’s Church next Sunday, it would be encouraging to have a good turnout of people to hear our invited guest speaker and to encourage those at St Luke’s who are making the churchyard more environmentally friendly.

Plus we are still looking for someone willing to take on the role from Heather Paisley as creator and editor of the parish magazine, perhaps, you know someone gifted in that area, if so please get in touch with me.

Every blessing to you all,

Canon Janice
