Weekly Pew Sheet 15-09-24

Services this Sunday:
10.30am at Marown, CW Holy Communion
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Evening Prayer

Services on Sunday 22nd September;
10.30am at Marown, Morning Praise
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Holy Communion

Dear friends,

There has been much to celebrate this week.  Firstly, the redecoration of Marown Church is now finished and the building looks magnificent, if you haven’t been inside recently do pop in for a look.

Secondly, it is a weekend of ordinations at the cathedral.  It is wonderful to know that God is calling people from our diocese to ordained ministry.  Details are on the pew sheet so please do pray for our new deacon and priest.

Thirdly, a huge thank you to those people who supported the Leprosy Mission coffee morning.  We had a moving and inspiring talk by Mike Hardie, enjoyed coffee and cake and raised over £300 for this very important charity.

Please note that next Sunday there is a lap of the TT course leaving Glencrutchery Road at 10am.  It will involve over 300 vehicles (!) and the police will be at the main junctions and road crossings to help guide the vehicles through.  Take extra care coming to church, don’t worry if you are a few minutes late!

Every blessing

Canon Janice
