Weekly Pew Sheet 29-09-24

Services this Sunday:
11am Marown Civic Service
(Refreshments will be
served afterwards and all are welcome to attend)
6.30pm at Baldwin, Celtic Holy Communion

Services on Sunday 6th October;
10.30am Old St Runius Harvest celebration
6.30pm at Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Dear friends,

It is the last Sunday of the month and we celebrate at Marown Church by hosting the Marown Civic Service which starts at 11am-please note the change of time for this service.

Next Sunday sees the first of our harvest services beginning with a celebration at Old St Runius on 6th October.

As always please read the pew sheet for fuller details of services and events and do send me your prayer requests to include in my daily devotions.

Every blessing,

Canon Janice
