Weekly Pew Sheet 06-10-24

Services this Sunday:
10.30am, Old St Runius Harvest/Creationtide celebration

6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Services on Sunday 13th October;
10.30am Marown Harvest Festival – followed by lunch
6.30pm Baldwin Harvest Guest Service  – with Anna Graham from Manx Birdlife

Dearest friends,

This is a very exciting and busy week.

We start our harvest celebrations at Old St Runius tomorrow (Sunday 6th) with Marown Parish Church and          St Luke’s Church having their celebrations on Sunday 13th October.  As in previous years non perishable food items will be gratefully received and donated to the IOM Foodbank.

Raffle tickets will be on sale for harvest hampers and next Sunday there will be a harvest lunch after the Marown morning service with the opportunity to donate to the IOM Christian Aid Appeal 2024.

Our Bishop designate is being consecrated on Thursday in York Minster; for those unable to travel that far it is being live streamed in St George’s Church Douglas.

As always full details are available on the pew sheet.

Please remember to pass on to me your prayer requests for yourselves or loved ones and let me know if anyone would like me to contact or visit them.

Every blessing for the coming week,

Canon Janice
