Weekly Pew Sheet 20-10-24

Services this Sunday;
11am Harvest Festival at the Crosby Methodist Chapel

(there will be no service in Marown church)
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Evening Prayer

Services next Sunday 27th Oct;
10.30am Marown Morning Praise……marking Bible Sunday
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Holy Communion

Dear friends,

What another wonderful week for our diocese as the Princess Royal visited the cathedral on Thursday, it was a privilege to be part of that occasion.

Next week the cathedral welcomes the Archbishop of York to Choral Evensong, details are on the pew sheet and I hope you will be able to attend as a show of support for our new Bishop as she receives the Archbishop’s Charge.

Thank you to everyone who decorated our churches for harvest over the past weeks, they looked beautiful and the floral displays enhanced our worship.  The food offerings have been delivered to the IOM Foodbank who were very grateful for those donations.

We conclude our harvest celebrations by joining with the Crosby Methodist Chapel tomorrow morning (Sunday 20th October), therefore, there will not a service at Marown Church.

Every blessing or the coming week,

Canon Janice
