Services this Sunday;
10.30am at Marown, Common Worship Holy Communion
2.30pm Holy Baptism
6.30pm at Baldwin, Common Worship Evening Prayer
Services next Sunday 26th January;
10.30am Marown Morning Praise
6.30pm at Baldwin, Common Worship Holy Communion
Services Sunday 2nd February;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30PM at Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Attached is the pew sheet covering the next two weeks (Sunday 19th & Sunday 26th Jan 2025).
I am on retreat from Monday 20th Jan until Thurs 23rd Jan. For any urgent enquiries, contact details can be found on the vicarage answerphone or emailed to the address below, otherwise I will catch up on messages as soon as I can when I return.
Every blessing for the weeks ahead,
Canon Janice
01624 851378
Weekly Pew Sheet 19/01/2025