Weekly Pew sheet 02-02-25

Services this Sunday ;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30PM at Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Services next Sunday 9th February;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Holy Communion
6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Evening Prayer

Dear friends in Christ,
A new month begins with The Presentation of Christ in the Temple known also as Candlemas.  This marks the end of our Christmas and Epiphany celebrations.
This is the month that ‘The Moon’ comes to the cathedral and I attach a list of events which might be of interest to you.
Alas, you will see on the pew sheet more families are experiencing bereavement so please keep them in your prayers at this sad time.
Do send me your prayer requests and let me know if there is anyone house bound that would like a phone call or home visit.
Every blessing,
Canon Janice