Weekly Pew Sheet 23-04-23

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Services for Sunday 23rd April; 10.30am at Marown, a Shortened Morning Praise with Annual Parochial Church Meeting at c.11.15am 6.30pm at Baldwin CW Holy Communion Services for Sunday 30th April; 10.3... Read More

Weekly Pew Sheet 16-04-23

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Services for Sunday 16th April; 10.30am at Marown, CW Holy Communion 6.30pm at Baldwin CW Evening Prayer Services for Sunday 23rd April; 10.30am at Marown, a shortened Morning Praise with the Annual P... Read More

Annual Reports 2023

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The annual reports ahead of the forthcoming Annual Parochial Church Meeting to be held on Sunday 23rd April after the Marown morning service are available to download and read here.   Download AP... Read More

Weekly Pew Sheet 09-04-23

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Services for Sunday 9th April; 10.30am at Marown 6.30pm at Baldwin Easter Day Common Worship Holy Communion (It is the custom in this diocese that the Easter Day collection goes to the vicar.) Service... Read More

Weekly Pew sheet 02-04-23

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Services for Sunday 2nd April; 10.30am at Marown 6.30pm at Baldwin Palm Sunday Common Worship Holy Communion Wednesday 5th April; 1.45pm Marown Church the funeral of David Corlett 7pm Maundy Thursday,... Read More