Plough Sunday

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A short reflection on our readings for this Sunday from Genesis 1:1-5, Acts 19:1-7 & Mark 1:4-11. This Sunday, during our morning service at Marown, we should have been joined by our friends from ... Read More

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Please find attached 2 services that I offer to you as we mark these holy days of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday plus a reflection from myself. I invite you to us... Read More

Set your focus

In life we often get caught up in ourself and our own priorities. In this week’s talk, Rev. Ian Davies reminds us to set our focus on God and in doing so the rest of our lives will fall into pla... Read More

Just do it!

This week’s sermon is delivered by visiting Reader Eric Quirk. He talks to us about prayer and advises us to ‘Just do it!’. Colossians 2:6-15 and Luke 11:1-13... Read More

Mary or Martha?

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You are special. That’s what Rev. Ian Davies’ message is in his family talk. In the main sermon, we look at what Martha actually did wrong when she criticised Mary for not helping when Jes... Read More