Marown Church Heating Project


The heating system in the main body of Marown church is believed to date back to at least the 1950s, and some aspects possibly to the early 1900’s. It is constructed from multiple iron pipes located along the outer walls and incorporating seven iron radiators positioned around the church. The original boiler was coal fired but has since been replaced by oil fired boilers and the current one now approaching twenty years old is costly to run and coupled with the original pipe layout is neither efficient nor effective.


What is the problem?

Due to the age of the heating system corrosion has set in to the iron pipework and joints of which there are very many around the whole church. One such joint which had to be replaced along with the adjoining pipework in 2022 was prohibitively expensive so multiple repairs at those costs would be unsustainable.


Planning for the future

Going forward there are three things to consider;
1. Continuing to repair costly leaks coupled with the replacement of the boiler in the not to distant future would not be a wise use of money which could go towards a new more suitable heating system.
2. The wider Church of England is committed to a ‘net zero’ sustainability program by 2030.
3. Installing a heating system that best serves flexible use of the nave. (i.e. zoned heating)

With this in mind, we, the Church Wardens and PCC (Parochial Church Council) see the demise of the old heating system as an opportunity to achieve this goal of providing sustainability to the church and comfort for those attending it for future generations.


What we are doing now

The rising costs of heating the church through the winter months and also the need to provide a warm worship space should the heating system break down has led us to refurbish the side chapel which can be heated independently by two electric heaters. This is currently being used for smaller weekly services on a temporary basis as we plan the way forward for a replacement heating system.


What we are proposing to do

We have been following the progress of the church of St Mary in Port St Mary, Rushen Parish, as they have installed and used an infra-red system over the past year. (This has been so successful that they are  introducing a similar system in St Catherine’s Church Port Erin) Following their experience and advice we are proposing a similar installation comprising a combination of radiant, panel and under-pew heaters which can be operated in zones through the church depending on which part of the church is being used.


How is it progressing?

We are currently gathering quotes for the supply and installation of the units and the upgrade of the electricity supply. Applications to Church of England grant schemes are being made but much additional funding will be required.


Can I help?

If you would like to donate or bequeath money towards the project enabling the church to continue serving your community into the future, please contact our Vicar, Rev Canon Janice Ward, to find out more.       01624 851378