June ’19 Parish Magazine

Dear Friends and Parishioners 

Well the excitement of the TT races will have been and gone by the end of the first week of this glorious month of June. We pray that there will have been fine weather, great racing and safety for competitors and spectators alike along with genuine fellowship offered through the hospitality of Marown Church. 

During this month we move from the season of Easter to that of Trinity. After seven weeks of rejoicing at Jesus resurrection, a picnic celebration of Ascension Day and the vibrant red of Pentecost, we now turn to looking and learning again about Jesus life. Although wholly divine as the Son of God, I am always amazed and humbled by Jesus humanity. To know that our Lord and Saviour shared the same human abilities and weaknesses as me is both an encouragement and a consolation. 

As Christians we are called to grow into ‘the likeness of Christ’, that is to take upon ourselves the character of Jesus and embody his teachings. The many weeks of the Trinity season aim to help us to do this growing. Unlike examinations with an expected pass mark, God does not set a certain grade that we must obtain. What is important to God is the effort we make to live Christ centred lives. The summer months are seasons for growing ready for the harvest; this is true of our spiritual lives too. As we hear again of Jesus life our aim should be to imitate him more closely. 

Jean Vanier, founder of the L’Arche communities, who died last month, once wrote ‘To grow is to emerge gradually from a land where our vision is limited….. to a land of unlimited horizons and universal love, where we will be open to every person and desire their happiness…. true growth comes from God, when we cry to him from the depths of the abyss to let his Spirit penetrate us. Growth in love is growth in the Spirit.’ 

May we each grow in love and Spirit over the summer months so that the light of Christ shines not just on us but in us and through us. Then our personal abilities will be multiplied by God’s grace and our weaknesses transformed into strengths for His glory. 

Prayers and blessings 

Canon Janice 

