Dear Friends and Parishioners
You might have noticed the scaffolding round the vicarage over the past few weeks (an old leaky roof being replaced). This work, coinciding with some of the worst storms battering our island and across, has brought to my mind the power of nature. God created ‘all things seen and unseen’ and gave humanity stewardship over it. Alas, for generations we have been more concerned to exploit and control the earth rather than to work alongside the natural elements. Only in more recent times, as changes in our climate and the destruction of habitats threaten our survival, have we reconsidered our relationship with the rest of creation.
Once again our parish Lent focus is upon the environment and how we can tread more lightly on God’s earth. Last year we thought about how as individuals we could adapt our lifestyles to be less polluting, less wasteful and more caring towards the world around us. This year we are exploring how we can do this as a parish. There is a board inside Marown Church for you to share your ideas and suggestions. To help us there is also a booklet called #LiveLent-Caring for God’s Creation, copies of which are available in church. This booklet contains a Bible reading, reflection and action for each of the 40 days of Lent based upon the 7 days of creation. Do pick up a copy. One action we can take is to read this magazine via our website, thus reducing the ink, paper and electricity taken to print it out.
We are also studying Matthew’s Gospel as part of our Lent devotions. These sessions begin Monday 2nd March at 7.30pm in Marown Church and run for 4 further weeks after that. Using poetry, music and art as well as the Bible we will learn more about Jesus as presented through the words of Matthew. The opening verses of this gospel take us back to Abraham, reminding us that Jesus’ human ancestry stretches back almost to the beginning of the Bible. The Nativity passages reveal how divine power worked in harmony with nature to bring Jesus to birth and keep the Christ-child safe from harm. We will think about how Jesus calmed the storm and ask the question ‘What sort of man is this, that even the winds and sea obey him?’
I hope you will be inspired to join in at least one of these activities. How ever you decide to observe Lent this year I hope it is a time of spiritual blessing for you.
Prayers and best wishes
Canon Janice