Weekly Pew Sheet 04/10/20

Services today are:
11am Foxdale Messy Church,

10.30am Old St Runius BCP MP with harvest theme
6.30pm Baldwin BCP HC

Next Sunday 11th Oct:
11am Crosby Methodist Chapel Harvest

6.30pm Baldwin BCP EP
No services at Foxdale or Marown Parish Churches

This week…

We have welcomed Revd Steven Herron to our parish as our curate for the next three years. We pray for him as he begins his ministry and for his wife Sarah and daughter Elizabeth for this new phase in their family life.

Saturday 3 Oct 3pm in the Cathedral the ordination to the priesthood of Revd Ruth K Walker will take place. She will continue to serve her curacy at the Cathedral with the Dean, The Very Revd Nigel Godfrey. All are welcome to attend and to stay for light refreshments afterwards.

St Luke’s Harvest Supper, concert & auction held on Monday 28th Sept raised over £1,000. Thank you to members of The Friends of St Luke’s Baldwin and members of the congregation who made it such a splendid event.

If you wish to join ‘The Friends of St Luke’s Baldwin’ or renew your subscription please contact Sue Sayle (m) 333153.

Monday 5th Oct 10.30am Open the Book Rehearsal Marown Church

Monday 5th October 7pm St Luke’s Church the PCC next meet together

Our Harvest cash collections this year is for ‘The Together in Unity Appeal
