Weekly Pew Sheet 06-08-23

Services for Sunday 6th August;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm at Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Also this week:
Wednesday 9th August 1.15pm at Douglas Borough Crematorium, the funeral of Sally-Anne Cubbon
Friday 11th August 10am the private Interment of Ashes of Helen Kaneen at St Luke’s Church

Services for Sunday 13th August;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Holy Communion
6.30pm at Baldwin BCP Evening Prayer

Dear friends,

Another week has passed and so another pew sheet is landing in your inbox.

There are a few new items this week so please take a look and note events in your diary.

We continue to offer prayers of thanks-giving for families celebrating marriages and baptisms and we also pray for those who are bereaved, commending their loved ones to God’s eternal care.

Every blessing

Canon Janice
