Weekly Pew Sheet 08-05-22

Services this week are;
10.30am Marown Anniversary Service,
6.30pm Baldwin Anniversary Songs of Praise
preceded by the Ellan Vannin Pipes and Drums at the Old Tynwald site from 4pm,
plus Caarjyn Cooidjagh singing and a bring your own picnic tea.
(tea/coffee provided.)

Services next week;
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion with Choir
6.30pm Baldwin Healing Service

Brothers and sisters in Christ, another week beckons,
I hope the past seven days have been a blessing to you and your loved ones as we continue to celebrate Easter.

I have the very happy news to share with you that Revd Steven Herron and his wife Sarah have a baby daughter born on Thursday, we send them our congratulations and best wishes.

I am sure you have noticed the TT preparations going on around the island.  Marown Church is preparing for catering too.  Thank you to those people who have contacted me about helping.  If anyone else might be able to help in any way (cake making, helping at race and practice sessions or donating items) please do get  in touch with me.
You will remember that last week I asked you to consider a role on the PCC or as a churchwarden.  So far no one has come forward for any of these posts but I remain prayerfully optimistic so do seek the Lord’s guidance on this part of our church life.

We are delighted to welcome our friends from the Crosby Methodist Chapel to the Marown Anniversary Service tomorrow 10.30am and don’t forget the St Luke’s celebrations which begin at 4pm (full details on the pew sheet).
Every blessing

Canon Janice
