Weekly Pew Sheet – 09-01-21

Welcome to this week’s pew sheet – our churches are now closed until at least 27th January when Government will review the current ’lockdown’ arrangements. We pray that this ‘hard and fast’ policy by our Government will once again eradicate the virus from our community and allow us to return to a good semblance of normality, as we’d had since mid-July.

Our Sunday worship for at least the next three Sundays will be combined with the Cathedral at 10.30am.  You can participate via Zoom but need to sign up. If you have not already done so, please let Canon Janice know asap and she will pass you details on to the cathedral.

This week…

Our parish study course will continue on-line via Zoom with our next session on Monday 11th January 7.30pm. This session is ‘Jesus & the Gospels’. You will have to provide your own refreshments! Come and explore The BIG STORY. If you wish to join in on-line then please contact Canon Janice. A Zoom link will automatically sent to those people who have been attending the sessions so far.
