Weekly Pew Sheet 09-06-24

Services this Sunday;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Holy Communion
6.30pm at Baldwin BCP Evening Prayer

Services next Sunday 16th June;
10.30am at Marown CW Holy Communion
6.30pm at Baldwin, The Healing Service

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Apologies that the pew sheet is much later in the day than usual – the Marown Church café didn’t close until the roads had reopened and all our customers had departed.

I offer a huge thank you to all who contributed to the café, especially those who helped prepare, serve and clear away over the past two weeks.

They have been our busiest so far with hundreds of people enjoying the food, hospitality and fellowship of our catering team.

Over the next week the church will be cleared and cleaned and will return to normal.  This may take a few days so the church will remain locked until Wednesday.

In the meantime other activities resume, starting with our morning worship tomorrow at 10.30am in Marown Church.

Every blessing

Canon Janice
