Weekly Pew Sheet 10-04-22

Services this week are;
10.30am Marown; Palm Sunday CW Holy Communion
6.30pm Baldwin; Palm Sunday CW Holy Communion

Both with the distribution of palm crosses

 Services next week are;
10.30am Marown; Easter Day Holy Communion
2pm Holy Baptism (at Marown)
6.30pm Baldwin; Easter Day Holy Communion

Dear friends in Christ,
Holy Week begins tomorrow and I hope you have had a beneficial Lent thus far.
Details are on the pew sheet of our Easter services, including some at the cathedral.  Please don’t forget the Chrism Service 12noon on Maundy Thursday at the cathedral when we come together as a whole diocese.  We then have our parish service for Maundy Thursday at 7pm in Marown Church, this begins our Easter weekend acts of worship.

Remember too the Car Boot Sale on Easter Monday on the Crosby Playing Fields, it’s not too late to book a pitch to de-clutter your home, otherwise come along and get some bargains from the stall holders, you never know what gems you may discover!
I look forward to seeing you soon,

Prayers and blessings

Canon Janice
