Weekly Pew Sheet 13-03-22

Services this week are;
10.30am Marown Celtic Communion
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Evening Prayer

Services next Sunday 20th March are;
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion + Choir
6.30pm Baldwin CW Evening Prayer

Dear friends,
In a world where there seems so much sorrow and suffering it was very good to join some of the congregation in St Michael’s Church Kirk Michael this afternoon to hear the latest news from The Leprosy Mission.  Their representative Paul Moore gave an inspiring and encouraging talk about their work over the past 2 years in Mozambique and Nepal which has flourished despite local difficulties and the pandemic.  He went on to talk about their 2022 project ‘Greater Heights’ which aims to raise funds to rebuild the Research Centre at their hospital in  Anandaban Nepal.  The hospital was badly damaged by the earthquake that affected the region several years ago and without the rebuild potentially ground-breaking work to eradicate leprosy will be jeopardised.  I hope we might be able to hear more of this project directly from Paul when he visits the island again later this year.

Attached, as usual, are the pew sheets with events and other items that I hope will be of interest to you.  Please let me know if you, or someone you know, is ill or may like me to be in touch with them for whatever reason.

I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy the bursts of spring colour that are emerging with bulbs and blossom.  I also pray that your Lent observances are going well and proving fruitful in building a closer relationship with God.

Every blessing for the coming week,

Canon Janice
