Weekly Pew Sheet 13-10-24

Services this Sunday 13th October;
10.30am, Marown Harvest Festival followed by a harvest lunch 
6.30pm at Baldwin, Harvest Guest Service
followed by a talk from Anna Graham

the Education Manager with Manx Birdlife.

Services next Sunday;
11am Harvest Festival at the Crosby Methodist Chapel
(there will be no service at Marown church)
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Evening Prayer

Dear friends,

We are continuing our harvest celebrations with services at Marown Church and at St Luke’s Baldwin.

There will be the opportunity to support the IOM Foodbank with non-perishable offerings at both churches.

At Marown Church lunch will be served from about 12noon (2 courses fully catered) , and donations in thanksgiving for that food will go to IOM Christian Aid.

Whilst lunch is being prepared there will be the opportunity to buy raffles tickets-there are 3 harvest hampers to be won! (Proceeds from this go to parish funds).

In the evening at St Luke’s Church we will have a special Harvest Guest Service with a time of worship followed by a talk from Anna Graham of Manx Birdlife.

Thank you to everyone who decorated Old St Runius for the harvest celebration there last Sunday.  It was good to welcome Ruth Ceggin-Gell who played the flute for us, so atmospheric in that ancient holy setting.

My prayers and good wishes to you all,

Canon Janice
