Weekly Pew Sheet 14-07-24

Services this Sunday;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Services next Sunday 21st July;
10.30am at Marown, CW Holy Communion
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Evening Prayer

Dearest friends,

I hope you are well and that the past week has been one of blessings for you.

For sports fans there is much to enjoy at the moment and the Olympics are soon to begin.

These events remind us of the importance of working together as a ‘team’ as we build the kingdom of God, that we must play to our strengths and learn from our mistakes and disappointments but never give up.

I attach a notice about some road closures at the end of this month due to a cycling event.

Please keep our bereaved families in your prayers, let me know your prayer requests so I can include them in my daily prayers too.

Don’t forget it is Marown Parish Day tomorrow, 1pm start at the Marown Playing Fields.  This will be a great community get together and I hope to see you there.

As always prayers and best wishes for the coming week,

Canon Janice
