Weekly Pew Sheet 15-11-20

2nd Sunday before Advent

Services today are:
10.30am Marown CW HC + choir
6.30pm Baldwin CW EP

Next week:
10am Foxdale CW HC
10.30am Marown Morning Praise
6.30pm Baldwin CW HC

This week…

  • Thank you to all those people who contributed to our Harvest cash collections. £518.47 has been raised for the ‘Together in Unity’ Appeal which will support our brothers and sisters across the Anglican Communion struggling with Covid 19
  • The Parents Prayer Meeting 9.15-10.15am Monday’s in the upper room at Marown Church have begun again.
    All are welcome to join in this ecumenical prayer time for families and children across the parish.
  • 10am Monday 16th Nov at Marown Church Open the Book assembly rehearsals-if you would like to know more about these please contact Canon Janice
  • 7pm Monday 16th Nov Marown Church PCC meeting in the south transept
  • Friday 20th Nov 12noon-2pm soup lunches at St Paul’s Church Foxdale with homemade soup, bread & cakes followed by children and parent/carers session 3.30-4.45pm
  • 2pm Friday 20th Nov at Douglas Borough Crematorium the funeral of Beryl Stevenson
  • 10am Saturday 21st Nov Marown Vicarage Churchwardens meeting


Weekly Pew Sheet 15/11/2020