Weekly Pew Sheet 16-05-21

Services Today
10.30am Marown CW Holy Communion
6.30pm Baldwin Healing Service

Next week services as we celebrate Pentecost are:
10am Foxdale CW Holy Communion & 6.30pm Baldwin Songs of Praise


This week………..

  • 10th-16th May is Christian Aid Week, envelopes are still available in church for donations so if you haven’t made your contribution yet there is still time.
  • 13th-23rd May is 10 days of prayer entitled ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, leaflets available in each church, keep praying and join this wave of prayer.
  • Friday 21st May there is a soup lunch in St Paul’s Church Foxdale 12-2pm, with homemade soup, bread & cake

Coming up…….

  • 22nd -29th May Praying the Keeills Week, including a visit to St Luke’s 8pm Friday 28th May & walk to the old Tynwald site.  Leaflets with all details of the week are in each of our churches.
  • Annual meetings will take place 4pm Sunday 23rd May at St Luke’s Church, followed by afternoon tea c5pm and Songs of Praise at 6.30pm, nomination forms are in church.
