Weekly Pew Sheet 17-12-23

Services for Sunday 17th December;

4pm Marown Carols with Christingles (at Marown Church)
 6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Evening Prayer

Services for Christmas;

Monday 18th Dec; Carols round the Ballagarey Christmas Tree 6.30pm.
Christmas Eve; Christmas Communion, 6.30pm at Baldwin & 11.30pm at Marown.
Christmas Day; 10.30am St Runius (Old Church) Family Service for Christmas.
Sunday 31st Dec; 11am Crosby Methodist Chapel (No Marown service)
 6.30pm at Baldwin, A service of Lessons and Carols.

Dear friends in Christ,
This is the penultimate pew sheet before Christmas.  Just in case you haven’t picked up a leaflet with the Christmas services on they are included on the pew sheet this week along with a couple of services beyond the parish.

Thank you to everyone who has helped to prepare our churches; St Luke’s Church looked wonderful for the Walkers Carol Service last Sunday, people have been decorating Marown Church today (Saturday) and thank you in anticipation for those folk who will deck out Old St Runius early next week.

Please keep in your prayers the many people who find this time of year distressing; the lonely, bereaved, financially struggling and the homeless.  Let me know if there is anyone you  know who would like me to contact them for prayer or spiritual support.

Keep safe, warm and receive the blessing of the continued Advent season,

Canon Janice
