Weekly Pew Sheet 18-08-24

Services this Sunday:
9.30am at Marown, ‘Café Church’
6.30pm at Baldwin, a said Common Worship Evening Prayer

Services next Sunday 25th Aug;
9.30am at Marown, ‘Morning Praise’ Café Church
6.30pm at Baldwin, a said Common Worship Holy Communion

Happy mid-August, friends,

The Manx Grand Prix begins tomorrow (Sunday 18th August) with road closures around the island over the coming 8 days.

Therefore, our worship for the next 2 Sundays at Marown Church will be at 9.30am so everyone has time to get home before biking festivities begin.

We will have our usual café in Marown Church so the church will be locked apart from practice and race sessions.

The decorators have been doing a wonderful job on Marown Church walls, the nave looks transformed already, though there will be a bit more work to do once the racing is over.

Thank you to everyone who came to St Luke’s Church last Sunday evening for the Guest Service with Hannah Phillips from the Manx Wildlife Trust.  She gave an excellent summary talk of their work across the island and in the Baldwin valley.  We hope to have other such speakers in the future so watch this space!

Prayers and best wishes to you all,

Canon Janice
