Weekly Pew Sheet 20-09-20

Services today are 10.30am CW HC + Choir with guest preacher SUMT’s Ruth Walker,
& 6.30pm Baldwin CW EP

Next Sunday 10am Foxdale CW HC,
10.30 Marown Morning Praise & 2pm Holy Baptism
6.30pm Baldwin Harvest Festival 

Coming up…

Next Saturday (26 Sept) at 3pm in the Cathedral will be the ordination of Steven Herron & Jon Barwood as Deacons. Steven will join our parish whilst Jon will work alongside The Revd Irene Cowell in the Parish of Arbory and Castletown. Everyone is welcome on this joyful occasion with light refreshments to follow the service.

The following Saturday (3 Oct), also at 3pm in the Cathedral, will be the priesting of Revd Ruth K Walker – who will continue to serve her curacy at the Cathedral with the Dean, The Very Revd Nigel Godfrey. Again, all are welcome to attend and stay for light refreshments afterwards.

Sunday 20th at Marown Church the choir will sing Panis Angelicus (Thomas Aquinas (1226-74), set by Cesar Franck (182290) John Rutter’s translation of this well-known piece is ‘Bread of the angel host sent down from God above. Body of Christ our Lord in token of his love: O gift most wonderful! Christ as our sacrament: Humble, lowly, all share his sacred feast.’
