Weekly Pew Sheet 23-01-22

Services this week Sunday 23rd January are;
  10am Foxdale  CW Holy Communion,
10.30am Marown Morning Prayer
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Services next Sunday 30th January are;
10.30am Marown Civic Service
6.30pm Baldwin Guest Service

Dear friends,
18th – 25th January is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
We pray for our brothers and sisters of faith of all denominations wherever they are, may we be united in our love of God, our desire to follow Jesus more closely and our openness to the Holy Spirit working through us.
We also pray for our parish as we prepare to  hold the Marown Civic Service next Sunday 30th January 10.30am in Marown Church.  We give thanks for our community and for those who have taken on the responsibility of local leadership with the Marown Commissioners.  I hope many of you will attend as a show of support  and celebration of our life together.

Heather Paisley has produced another bumper issue of the magazine, you might like to pay attention to the ‘Charity of the month’ piece especially if you are planning a holiday across this year and like visiting churches.   The Churches Conservation Trust have a wealth of information about historic churches and many on-line resources.

Every blessing for the week ahead,

Canon Janice
