Weekly pew Sheet 24-07-22

Services this week;
10.30am Marown Morning Praise
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Services next Sunday;
10.30am Marown, A Service of the Word, with our friends from the Crosby Methodist Chapel
6.30pm Baldwin, Guest Service, with former prison officer and Salvation Army member Mr Colin Ring giving his testimony.

Good evening friends across our parish and beyond,
This message and the accompanying pew sheet is a little later coming out than usual as I have been officiating at a wedding this afternoon at St Luke’s Church.
Congratulations to Chris and Ellen on their marriage and every blessing for their future together.

Thank you to everyone who looked after the parish while I was on holiday, it is good to be back amongst you after a very refreshing break.  I hope you are all well, please do let me know if anyone would like a phone call or visit from me or if there is anything you want to up-date me on now I am back.

Good wishes and happy holidays to those of you who are off on your travels or enjoying a staycation.

You will see from the pew sheet that things are a little quiet over the next couple of weeks but do note the events that are happening, especially the Guest Service at St Luke’s Church next Sunday with Mr Colin Ring from the Salvation Army as our guest speaker.

Best wishes for the coming week,

Canon Janice
