Weekly Pew Sheet 24-12-23

Services for Christmas;

Christmas Eve;  6.30pm at Baldwin, Christmas Communion
11.30pm at Marown, Christmas communion

Christmas Day; 10.30am at Old St Runius, Family Service for Christmas.

Saturday 30th December 12noon, a double baptism at Marown Church

Sunday 31st Dec; 11am Crosby Methodist Chapel (No service at Marown Church)
 6.30pm at Baldwin, a service of Lessons and Carols

Dear friends,

As we celebrate this most holy time I pray that you and your loved ones are safe, warm and well.

Our sheet has a reminder of the services over the coming week, I hope you will be able to join us for at least some of them.

Merry Christmas and every blessing for these last few days of 2023,

Canon Janice
