Weekly Pew Sheet 25-07-21

Services this Sunday:
10am CW Holy Communion – Foxdale,
10.30am Morning Prayer (with the curate) – Marown
6.30pm CW Holy Communion

Next Sunday 1st August:
10am CW Holy Communion – Foxdale (instead of Messy Church)
10.30am BCP Morning Prayer – Marown
6.30pm BCP Holy Communion – Baldwin


This week………..

As infection rates have risen over the past couple of weeks and many people are understandably concerned I remind and reassure you of the measures we are taking in our churches to keep people as safe as possible whilst allowing worship to continue as normally as possible.

  • Holy Communion is offered in both kinds (bread & wine), people are free to choose to receive just the bread or a blessing but must not ‘dip’ the wafer into the chalice.  It is not permissible to use individual cups.
  • The Peace can be shared with congregants respecting their neighbours who may wish not to make physical contact- a distanced wave, bow etc is ok.
  • the wearing of masks during worship is ok, including for singing if you wish to do so.  Our individual churches may set aside as ‘no-singing’ & ‘preferring to keep distance’ spaces if there is a local preference for that.
  • the use of hand sanitizer and contact tracing is still in place, please continue to use them.
  • ventilation will be increased through our churches by opening additional doors and windows wherever possible.

These measures will be constantly reviewed, up-dated or changed as necessary.

For this Sunday, at least, the 10am Foxdale service will not include singing. 

St Maughold’s Week begins Sun 25 July until Sun 1 August. This is a week of special events and services to celebrate St Maughold – the patron saint of the Isle of Man. See details on the noticeboard & the leaflets in church.

The Western Mission Partnership meet next on Tuesday 27th July 6.30pm at St Luke’s Church, including a bring and share supper.
