Weekly Pew Sheet 25-08-24

Services this Sunday:
9.30am at Marown, Morning Praise  Café Church
6.30pm at Baldwin,
a said Common Worship Holy Communion

Services next Sunday 1st September;
10.30am at Marown, BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm at  Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Dearest friends,

Due to the catering at Marown Church for the MGP festival this edition of the pew sheet is coming out a little later in the day than usual.

Please remember that our morning service at Marown Church will begin at 9.30am tomorrow (Sunday 25th August)-this was in case the roads were closed for a contingency session. The racing continues on Monday 26th August with roads due to close at 9.30am.  The church will remain closed on Tuesday 27th August as we clear away the café and we hope the decorators will be back from Wednesday 28th August to finish off the last of the painting.

Every blessing to you all,

Canon Janice
