Weekly Pew Sheet 26-09-21

Services this Sunday:
10am Foxdale CW HC (non-singing)
10.30am Marown MP
6.30pm Baldwin Harvest Festival

Next week’s services:
Saturday 2nd October 3pm at the cathedral Ordination to the Priesthood of Revd Steven Herron
All are welcome to celebrate this wonderful occasion

Sunday 3rd October 10.30am Old St Runius BCP Morning Prayer with Harvest Theme,
11am Foxdale Messy Church also a Harvest Theme

6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion
Revd Steven Herron celebrates his first Eucharist preceded by a ‘bring and share’ tea starting at 4.30pm

This week…..

Harvest Concert, Supper and Auction at St Luke’s Baldwin Monday 27th September 2021 at 7pm £5 admission charge Wonderful entertainment with Linda Corkish, Helen Prescott, Jude Clague and John Riley Followed by a scrumptious supper then our auction of fruit, veg and other homemade lovelies – and finally our annual raffle for a full lamb dinner Contact Sue Sayle 333153

It is hoped that as many people as possible will attend both the cathedral and St Luke’s services for Revd Steven next weekend.  Don’t forget if you would like to make a contribution to a parish monetary gift for Revd Steven then please send you donations to our Treasurer Sue Waring by Friday 1st October.   We will present Revd Steven with the gift on Sunday evening’s service.

For some time now very few of the Link sheets are being taken from church to be read, therefore, Canon Janice and the PCC wonder if it is time for a change.  It is possible to amend our subscription to have an electronic version of the Link to accompany this pew sheet (plus print out a few paper copies for those who want those).  We can also have a different format of the Link which would include the daily Bible reading references.  Please let Canon Janice, one of the Churchwardens or a PCC member know your thoughts.

Join us for our Harvest Festival service at Old St Runius on Sunday October 3rd at 10.30 when we will celebrate the bounty of God’s creation in this beautiful church.  We will decorate the church on Saturday 2nd October at 10 – do join us, and any gifts of produce or flowers will be gratefully received.  If you would like to donate some items, but cannot get to OSR, please give Rosemary a call on 852860 and she will come and collect!! 

When we wonder…an evening of Godly Play with story, wondering & creativity for adults, Wednesday 29th September 7pm for 7.30pm start St Mark’s Church hall, everyone welcome, if you haven’t tried it before why not give it a go!  For more details speak to Nancy Clague or Canon Janice

Foxdale Church soup lunches resume on Friday 1st October with more delicious soup and homemade bread and cakes served between 12pm-2pm
