Weekly Pew Sheet 28-06-20

Alleluia, from today, Sunday 28th June Marown Church and St Luke’s Church Baldwin are both open for Sunday worship and for private prayer during the rest of the week.  Some health measures are still in place so please follow the guidelines and signs in the churches, especially regarding the use of hand sanitiser and contact tracing details.

Our churches will not be exactly as we left them, nor will the services follow their old pattern.  Marown Church will have one service per Sunday morning at 10.30am combining both their congregations (please note the change of time) and St Luke’s will resume with their usual 6.30pm service Sunday evenings. The PCC will review the openings later in July and consider what measures might need to either remain in place or be adapted.  In the interests of greater hygiene, it would be very helpful for the monetary collections to be done by bank Standing Order if at all possible, please contact our Parish Treasurer Mrs Sue Waring if you are able to do this and thank you to all those who have continued to support the parish financially.

The last 10.30am Zoom service from the Cathedral is today 28th June. All future services will be

actual services live streamed via their website www.cathedral.im. These can be viewed on a PC or laptop and ‘cast’ by Google chromecast to a television on the same wi-fi network to watch it on ‘the big screen’.

This afternoon at 3.30pm The Very Revd Nigel Godfrey, Dean of the cathedral will celebrate 40 years of ordained ministry with a choral Eucharist at the cathedral.  All are welcome to attend and we send the Dean our best wishes and thanks for his years of priestly service.
