Weekly Pew Sheet – 30-08-20

Services today are 10.30am Marown Morning Prayer
& 6.30pm Baldwin Songs of Praise
The AGM for The Friends of St Luke’s Baldwin

Next Sunday 6th September 10.30am Old St Runius BCP MP,
& 6.30pm Baldwin BCP HC

Coming up…

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will be held on Sunday 30th August 11am.

On the diocesan website the ‘Strategic Review of Church Buildings’ has been published along with a ‘tool kit’ document. Over the next few weeks our PCC will be responding to this document in terms of how it may affect our parish. Please go on-line and read it prayerfully for yourselves.


The Food Bank We collect non-perishable food which goes to the island-wide Foodbank for distribution to individuals and families in need. Collection boxes are located at the back of Marown Church and St Luke’s Church. Please support this act of Christian witness from our parish.
