Weekly Pew Sheet 6-12-2020

Services today are:
11am Foxdale – Messy Church
10.30am Marown – BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm Baldwin – BCP Holy Communion

Services next week are:
10.30am Marown – BCP Holy Communion
3pm Baldwin – Walkers Carol Service

We have recently introduced Giving Tokens for those who make their church offering via banking instead of cash or envelopes.
You are invited to pick up a token from the basket near the collection plate and put it into the collection dish so it can be brought to the altar during the offertory and blessed.

This week…

Our Advent study course has begun.  Our next session is on Monday 7th Dec 7.30pm in Marown Church. This session is about ‘Creation & Covenant’.  Refreshments will be available from 7.15pm.  Come and explore The BIG STORY.  If you wish to join in on-line then please contact Canon Janice.

Advent is a good time to think about and prepare for the return of Christ (as well as get ready for Christmas). Other than joining the Advent Course at Marown you might like to listen, think and pray to some songs and hymns on the theme of advent (or alternatively sing loudly whilst doing the washing up).
We’ve prepared a playlist on Spotify that includes some songs which you may recognise or hear during our services over the coming weeks.
To listen visit: https://spoti.fi/3f51Njl

A Parents Prayer Meeting is held 9.15-10.15am each Monday in the upper room at Marown Church. All are welcome to join in this ecumenical prayer time for families and children across the parish.
