Mothering Sunday Service at Marown Church 11.15 am 15th March

You are invited to join us for a Mothering Sunday service in Marown Church at 11.15 am on the 15th of March 2015. This combined service will be a family communion led by Rev Janice and the preacher will be Rev Iaen. The Marown choir will be helping to lead the worship.
Why not ask a friend or neighbour if they would like to attend and stay for refreshments after the service, you will be made most welcome.

Please note that there will not be a service at St Paul’s in Foxdale or St Luke’s Baldwin on that Sunday.

In the afternoon at 3.30 pm, we will be welcoming the Cathedral Choir for a sung Evensong followed by refreshments. Please try to attend this evensong as it promises to be a wonderful service in the best Anglican tradition.