Allow God to work

You can’t make a tree grow any more than you can stop day becoming night. Plant the seed, tell your story, do what you can do in your place. Allow God to work through you. Allow your story to wo... Read More

God Speaks

It’s Pentecost and Rev. Ian Davies reminds us that the Holy Spirit can come to us and talk to us in unexpected and sometimes uncomfortables places and ways. Acts 1:1-21 & John 15:5-15... Read More

Are you good?

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This week Marown welcome Peter Jackson of Keynote Ministries (not the director of Lord of the Rings). Peter talks to us about being good or God Like. He also uses his gift of music to play for us. Mar... Read More

Give it your all

To be a Christian is to be committed. To give all because Jesus gave all for us. How do you do that? Rev. Ian Davies gives us three tips from Paul’s 1st letter to the Thessalonians: Action inspi... Read More