T T Catering At Marown Church 2015

Wow! can you believe it T T 2015 has come and gone. It was a very busy time for the caterers at the church and in the church hall.

Due to the weather, which affected the racing schedules, there was a demand for food and refreshments all week. This included practice week as well.

As usual, there were other non- catering duties to be undertaken. Sue is a great bouncer as she firmly but politely encouraged people where to park, not to light Bar B Que’s  in the cemetery and even found a fire alarm engineer in the crowd of spectators  when we needed to stop the church alarm doing what it does best “Alarming”.

Which is just as well as Nick and myself were skipping around it waving dishcloths with no effect like mad Morris dancers

It was a great time of fellowship with everyone who volunteered to help and at times, surreal as we chowed down “As they say in the States” on burgers as the racers went past the front door at 150 miles per hour “at least!”.

So! a big thank you to Ann, Sue & Nick in church, Dave, Chris & Peter in the hall and everyone who gave up their time to support this hospitality event.

Also, thanks to the visitors for choosing to come to our church and hall to watch and spend their hard earned money. It is much appreciated.