Christmas Services across the Parish. Brief Outline for your Diary.

7th December Messy Christingle in Foxdale School @ 4 pm
St Luke’s Baldwin Advent Carols @ 6.30 pm
14th December St Luke’s Baldwin Walkers Carol service @ 3 pm
15th December Foxdale school/village carol service 6.30 pm
16th December Nativity in the Barn Crosby 6:30 pm
17th December Village carol service @ Crosby Methodist Chapel 7 pm
18th December Foxdale M.S.P.C.A carol service 6 pm @ Ard Jerkyl
21st December Marown Church carols & Christingle 4 pm
St Luke’s Baldwin Carols by lamp light 6.30 pm
24th December Midnight Mass/Eucharist Foxdale & Marown 11.30 pm
St Luke’s Baldwin Christmas Communion 6.30 pm
25th December Marown Family service @ 10 am