Corona Virus News

Following guidance from the Church of England and from the Bishop’s Office for the Diocese of Sodor and Man;

  • Holy  Communion will only be offered to communicants in one kind i.e. the consecrated bread/wafer/host, with the priest alone taking the wine; (it is not lawful practice in the Church of England to use individual cups)
  • Please stand for receiving communion to avoid touching the altar rail
  • Please DO NOT  shake hands or have other direct physical contact during the sharing of the Peace;
  • The priest/minister will refrain from direct physical contact as part of a blessing or “laying on of hands”.
  • There will be no refreshments/catering before or after services

These precautions will be regularly reviewed and up-dated as necessary.

There is more information on the THE DIOCESE OF SODOR AND MAN website.

Please pray for all those infected with the virus wherever they may be, for medical staff caring for patients, for those who have already died form this illness and their families grieving for them, and also for those concerned that they or loved ones might catch the virus.