Inauguration and installation of the Bishop of Sodor and Man

At the end of September, Bishop Peter will be ‘enthroned’ at the Cathedral. An enthronement is a ceremony of inauguration, involving a person—usually a monarch or a religious leader – officially taking up their post. Enthronements are most popular in religious settings, as a chair is seen as the symbol of the authority to teach. Thus in Christianity, bishops of almost all denominations have a ceremony of enthronement after they assume office or by which they assume office. Our new Bishop was ordained back in June, but now he will officially take up his post here on the Island. Please pray for him as he ‘takes up the reins’ and for him and his family as they make their home here on the Isle of Man.

Venue: Cathedral Church of St German, Peel

Date & Time: 30/09/2017 15:30 – 17:30

The inauguration of Rt Revd Peter Eagles as Bishop of Sodor and Man.

Doors open at 15.00.  Please be seated by 15.40.

Entry to the Cathedral is by ticket only available from the Cathedral office.

There will also be a short service at the ancient Cathedral at 15.30, and procession to St German’s Cathedral. Anyone is welcome to join at the Old Cathedral on St Patrick’s Isle.