January ’20 Parish Magazine

Dear Friends and Parishioners

Thanks to Heather Paisley, our editor, I am, for the first time, wishing you a Happy New Year in a ‘stand-alone’ January edition of our parish magazine. In previous years we have had a combined Christmas and New Year edition so we are breaking new ground as a new decade begins.

I wonder what the 2020s will hold in store for us all? Will it be a repeat of the ‘roaring twenties’? I hope and pray, not a return to the ‘Great Depression’ of the 1920s. Perhaps, the coming year will see a religious revival as we finally realise that we can’t solve all the dilemmas of our age without God’s wisdom, strength and guidance.

Of course, as a Church we have already begun the new year with the season of Advent and we are using St Matthew’s Gospel for our Sunday gospel readings this year. St Matthew connects us to the Jewish heritage to which Jesus belonged. It is thanks to St Matthew that we hear of the Magi with their gifts, that we learn from the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ about Jesus ’ key teachings and also how we receive many of the parables Jesus told. We are led through all the key times in Jesus life and left

with the ‘Great Commission’ to carry on His ministry. 

I have come across this Irish saying which I think has a powerful message as we begin a new calendar year and as we commit ourselves again to Jesus . 

Take time to think – it is the source of power. 

Take time to play – it is the secret of perpetual youth. 

Take time to read – it is the foundation of wisdom. 

Take time to be friendly – it is the road to happiness. 

Take time to dream – it is hitching your wagon to a star. 

Take time to love and be loved – it is the privilege of God. 

Take time to look around – the day is too short to be selfish. 

Take time to laugh – it is the music of the soul. 

I would like to add another line: 

Take time to draw nearer to Jesus – He is the source of fulfilment here on earth and is the guide to the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Have a very Happy and Blessed New Year 

Canon Janice 

