Messy Christingle in Foxdale school. Sunday 7th December at 4 pm

Celebrate Christingle with us up at Foxdale school. For the first time we are staging a “Messy Christingle service”. This will begin at 4 pm until 5.30 pm on Sunday the 7th December. We have lot’s of messy crafts for adults and children to get involved in. Icing star biscuits, making snowflakes and of course, making christingles themselves.
There will be refreshments with sandwiches and cake at the end of the service.
Christingles were invented by people from the Children’s society. If you would like more information regarding christingle and the children’s society please go to
We hope you will come and support this event which is aimed at engaging with the the people of Foxdale and surrounding areas.
Contact Nancy on 851877.
Go on! try something different, get messy with your local church.
Rev Iaen.