Midnight Eucharists in our Parish

Its that time of the year where we get to stay up late. Our parish 11.30 pm communions will be held in Marown parish Church and St Paul’s in Foxdale.

Rev Janice Ward will be presiding at Foxdale with Reader Nancy Clague assisting. Rev Iaen Skidmore will be presiding at Marown assisted by Reader Doug Chalk.

Please come along to either of these services as they are very special and they really do help to usher in Christmas.

Our Christmas day service is being held in St Paul’s in Foxdale at 10.00 am. Rev Janice will be taking the service.

And on Sunday 27th, there will be a common worship Holy Communion up at St Luke’s Church in Baldwin. Rev Janice will be presiding at that service.

May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it arrives.